Monday, 30 November 2009

So this is it

So, we have made a decision.

It has been long and difficult to get to.

It should have been easier.

We are off to Leongatha.

Today (01/12/09) the school in Tas was notified and the Ed department was as well that we would be not taking a position there.
South Coast Christian College were notified that we have accepted their position offered to us. Judith and Len both have positions there.
We will continue to rent out our Burnie house, and get our gear over asap (when we get some money I guess).
Jesie wil attend that school and Sam will probably go to Leongatha Secondary College.
We will rent in Leongatha.

There are family pains to deal with, which is why it has been so difficult to get to this place, but we are pretty sure that it is the right choice, for many reasons.

To any whom may find this out first on the blog and feel we should have contacted you before this I apologize, we will talk to others as soon as we are able, just thought you might like to know sooner than later.

Love to you all.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

2 2go

Well, only two weeks to go.
We packed the xtrail as a trial run yesterday, we are sending it down on the Ghan (pronounced 'Gan', as it was named after the AfGHANistan camel drivers that used to be here), they allow you to fill the car up to window height.
What does not fit into the car and the caravan will stay here. We have little here anyway.
We leave on Saturday the 12th or Sunday the 13th (Sam wants to do a waterboy job for the Tiwi Bombers and Jessie has been invited to a birthday party for Saturday).
We plan to drive down W.A., trying to get to the Broome area in two days (8 hours driving a day for two days!). We want to see Jamie and Natasha Short at Looma (near Fitzroy Crossing) if it is dry enough to get in there. We would only stay for a day and then head off. Broome by 14th or 15th.
Then racing down the west and back to Melbourne.

On the job front....

Leongatha (South Coast Christian College) unexpectedly rang back with a job offer for Len (Woodwork, Music, Art and Business studies) and 2 days a week for Judith (on class).
The next morning there was also an offer from Somerset Primary school for Len (On a grade 2 class (HAAA HAAAAA) and 2 days of music.

There may also be an offer from Penguin High for Len (3 days lower High school Art and 2 days Music). We find out on Monday or Tuesday about that we hope.

We need to decide by Wednesday, as the one/s Len does not take will need to be filled by the schools and we want to give them the best time frame possible.

At the moment we are pretty uncomfortable with the Somerset option. There are several issues there which may make it an unpleasant place to be.
Firstly being on a grade 2 class would be a stretch possibly, and a big unknown for Len.
Secondly there are some there that are not Christian friendly. Judith worked with one there some time ago and would not do so again, and other friends have had poor experiences (very poor!) for the same reasons. It is not a matter of differences of opinions, which we can live with. It was issues of active aggression that made working with a person there actually very bleak and impossible in the end. We have done some checking if this may have changed and have been warned off by several who know. However the Principal has gone out of her way to make the position available, so that is really good and we are thankful for her efforts, but there are serious questions we are unable to resolve as yet. Whilst it is still an option, it is unlikely that Len will take this position.


Leongatha (SCCC) would enable us to speak freely there, and teach freely as well. Also there is a job for Judith immediately, so that is a plus. There is an awesome music programme, Nationally recognised, a huge sports programme and a community that even shuts the shops (smaller ones) at midday on Saturdays so families can go to the sports together. It is impressively clean, and friendly. Sam would go to a different school than where we taught if we go there, and if you want an idea of what others schools are like have a look at the Leongatha Secondary College website

There would be a substantial amount of pain for one member of our family in particular if we choose there, and we are not sure how to manage that. We feel this pain strongly. We love them deeply.

Returning to Burnie has issues for us as well, church and schooling for Jessie being the main two obstacles.

So, many sleepless nights, endless debates, upset stomachs and the inability to do the best for everyone in one place all need to be resolved by Wednesday.

Sam flew off to Nguiu, Tiwi yesterday and did his water boy job. He had a chance to say goodbye to some boys he knows, and he said one boy had to walk away as he had tears in his eyes. The Tiwi take friendships very seriously as do all Indigenous. He has had a ball doing this job and the team love him. He has a Tiwi Bombers shirt that he is proud of as well, only team members and support staff get them.
Jessie is at yet another sleep-over and returns at 10am today, Sunday 29th.
Judith is sleeping in!
Len is enjoying a cup of tea.
Now you know what we are all up to!

Your comments and prayers are welcomed.
Thanks to you all for your kindness shown to us.
Our two year adventure draws in, the Mist of God is a little clearer but no less painful.
Until next post,

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Hi Y'all.
Nearly three left.
What has happened.
Well, still no job.
Len has applied for one at Penguin High School that would be good, we think.
We have booked the Spirit to return to Tas.
We still don't want to leave the great jobs here, so it is getting tougher each day.
your support is appreciated.
Where will we end up?
Who knows
Post again soon.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


4 to go...
Cor how time flies.

So, Len didn't get the job at Leongatha.

or the one at Kingston.

(no one love me :-)

Actually, they needed other curriculum area specialist in both cases, so its understandable.

The builders have arrived. From 7:00 am 'till 5:00 pm they concrete cut and removed.
We now have a great pile of mud to traverse as we get to the door, so it is fun.....not.

It was great to see the builders again, we knew most of them from Tiwi.

This weekend we will sort out the remainder of our stuff, ready for the caravan trip and remove all other. Basically anything that won't fit into the caravan for the trip, and what we can send back in the xTrail is all we will take.

The day looms large, and it will be a wrench to leave the schools we are at, especially Len and working with the indigenous mob, as there is amazing connection and progress there. That will be very sad indeed.

So, for those in Tasmania, we will see you soon!